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The character of Magnet Man has a long and evolving history. Starting with a small boy’s imagination, to an actual drawn character, to his own mini-comic, to having his own website, to an online comic, and to becoming a “real life” personality starring in his own short films. Magnet Man often appears with Boogie at comic shows and wrestling events. He is now a Pro Wrestling Manager and manages various wrestlers, including Boogie. You never know what Magnet Man will do next!

Everything You Need to Know About Magnet Man:

  • His real name is Maxwell  Oaxaca Magnetman.
  • His hometown is Melvinville.
  • His father was a professional wrestler.
  • When Magnet Man was a child, his father put a mask on him and he’s worn it, without question, ever since.
  • He has magnetic powers that enable him to control all things metal.
  • He has a very unique (say, weird) sense of humor.
  • His dream job is to become a TV News Reporter.
  • Other than Magnet Man, his nickname is sometimes: “Max” “MM” or “Big M”.
  • He always wears a tie to appear more fashionable.
  • Magnet Man never appears without his mask.

Magnet Man Comics: created and drawn by: Brien Wayne Powell
Magnet Man in “real life”: mask is thanks to: Angel’s Wrestling Wear.

Boogie tries to unmask MM


  1. The Beginning – As a child, Brien Wayne Powell day-dreamed about a superhero character that could bend all metals at his will, and named him Magnet Man. He made a few drawings, which were lost over time.
  2. 1998 – Later in life, Brien again drew Magnet Man, and included him as an occasional  character in M.O.M. Comics, which he produced through ed  4 Time Press.
  3. 2002 – Magnet Man became the main character in Magnet Man Minicomics. This comic debuted on January 2, 2002. It was a small comic with 4 pages, 1/4 sized. There are over 50 issues, plus annuals and special issues. Brien was writer and artist for these comics.
  4. 2004 – Magnet Man went online with his own website!
  5. 2006 – On June 5, 2006, he debuted in the online comic, Magnet Mansion. It featured 130 issues plus many special holiday editions. About this time, MM added a necktie to his look.
  6. 2008 – Magnet Man jumped off of paper and into real life! He starred in several short films, produced by Pressed 4 Time Pictures.
  7. Present – Magnet Man visits BWC as often as he can, and travels with with Boogie and Captain Joe to various shows and events. They have lots of photos together.


The character of Magnet Man has had many achievements in his life. Starting as a simple drawn character in a mini-comic, he moved on to an online comic, and then to becoming a “real life” personality starring in his own short films. Magnet Man is an honorary graduate of Boogie’s Wrestling Camp. He is an honorary pro-wrestling instructor with his name added to one of the BWC Ring Post. He also has the honor of having his name added to a BWC Street Sign. Magnet Man is now a Pro Wrestling manager of several wrestlers, including Jimmy “Boogie Woogie Man” Valiant. In September 2022, he won the BWC Manager of the Year Award. In January 2023, Magnet Man was honored by being inducted into the BWC Hall of Fame.

Honorary BWC Graduate

Honorary Instructor (name on BWC Ring Post)

Name on BWC Street Sign

Pro Wrestling Manager

Manager for Jimmy Valiant (Boogie)

Manager of the Year Award

BWC Hall of Fame


The Washington Post

Magnet Man in The Washington Post

Magnet Man’s photo appeared in The Washington Post in connection with their interview with Jimmy Valiant.

The Roanoke Times, Interview with Sean Kotz

While Brien was filming at BWC for his last movie, “Magnet Man Meets Bigfoot”, he was interviewed by Sean Kotz. Below is a portion of the article that appeared in The Roanoke Times (Roanoke, VA).

Filmmaker Drawn to Wrestling Camp

Written by Sean Kotz
SHAWSVILLE — Boogie’s Wrestling Camp, Jimmy Valiant’s camp for professional wrestlers, is a lot of things to a lot of people.

For Brien Wayne Powell, the camp is becoming a regular location for his film projects.

Powell, a Lynchburg native, gladly drives to Shawsville when possible to take advantage of the unique atmosphere for his quirky, offbeat short films set in a world of pro wrestlers, strange creatures and suburban Joes.

His current project, “Magnet Man vs. Bigfoot,” is an extension of his previous films featuring his understated masked character, Magnet Man, which he originally created for a comic strip.

“Magnet Man is basically a guy who wears a mask and it does not go a whole lot further than that,” said Powell, who also plays the character.

As Powell explained, Magnet Man’s pro-wrestling father put him in a mask as a child and he’s carried on the tradition without questioning it.

And the tie pinned to the T-shirt?

“He likes to be fashionable.”

And while Magnet Man does have magnetic powers, it is more or less an accident of his life.

“He’s not a superhero,” Powell said. “He doesn’t want to go out and save the world necessarily.”

Instead, he lives a weird suburban lifestyle that tends to bring him in contact with the extraordinary.”