
Magnet Man

Everything you need to know about Magnet Man:

  • His real name is Maxwell  Oaxaca Magnetman.
  • His hometown is Melvinville.
  • His father was a professional wrestler.
  • When Magnet Man was a child, his father put a mask on him and he’s worn it, without question, ever since.
  • He has magnetic powers that enable him to control all things metal.
  • He has a very unique (say, weird) sense of humor.
  • His dream job is to become a TV News Reporter.
  • Other than Magnet Man, his nickname is sometimes: “Max” “MM” or “Big M”.
  • Magnet Man never appears without his mask.

Magnet Man Comics: created and drawn by: Brien Wayne Powell
Magnet Man in “real life”: mask is thanks to: Angel’s Wrestling Wear.

Boogie tries to unmask MM